The data migration process from one to another system it is a real challenge for both the library and the company involved in. IME made in last years over 200 successfully data conversions.
When a library start the migration process from its system toward TinREAD, be sure that IME will do the best in order to successfully bring the data into your new system.
In every of each data conversion cases exist an Implementation Project Manager from IME who will work with you in order to precisely establish which are the data sets in order to be converted or which are to be ignored. IME have a very good professional team who know and handle MARC data sets.
IME Company is aware of the resources and the huge amount of effort made by every library personnel in creating the metadata in the old system. Using clear procedures, the IME engineers will work with you in order to prepare data mapping tables for preserving all the information you already have and to convert it in the new MARC standard form at your choice.
Because of the modern bibliographic standards, and of newer web technologies some features in your older database structure or older system may not be supported, so it is important that you manually analyze and rectify any potential issues that may arise before, during, and after the migration process. Also, you must be aware that, if you have your some data in a proprietary format, that there may be some amount of manual data entry on your part. However, your IME Implementation Project Manager will work with you, as we already said early, to determine how much of this data is possible to convert.
The conversion procedure take your data as it exists in your database. It is the library’s responsibility to check for cataloging mistakes or data that has been inconsistently entered. All these things and many other are subject of discussion with your IME Implementation Project Manager who will write the Migration Technical Sheet based on your answers, wishes, old system analysis, hardware & communication infrastructure and other few things. This is one of many standard procedures used by IME in accordance with CMM Level 3 which apply on.